Please join us for the next presentation in our Smart Counsel Series on Thursday, May 16, 2019, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in our office at 858 Washington Street, Dedham, Massachusetts, for our program, Aging Life Care Professionals: What are they and who needs one?
Aging Life Care Managers (ALCM) are professionals who provide consultation, guidance, and ongoing management to older adults and those that care for them. Ways in which an Aging Life Care Manager can be of help include:
Susan Bernat and Jill McGovern, care managers from Your Elder Experts in Waltham will share with attendees the ways in which Aging Life Care Managers can serve as a vital resource to older adults and their families.
Wine, cheese and other light refreshments will be served. Contact Kenzie Sayward at 781/461-1020 or to reserve a spot for you and a friend.
The program is free but space is limited so don’t delay!